Celebrating Mothers’ Day and voicing its high regard and recognition for working mothers in Jordan,Central Trade and Auto Company (CTA), the exclusive dealer for Toyota in the Kingdom, recently honored the mothers working at the Orphan Welfare Association. This celebration fell in line with CTA’s corporate culture, a culture that places high regard for women, and that appreciates the efforts they make to build proactive future generations of youth capable of spearheading positive change. On this occasion, CTA chose to especially honor those women who are providing care for orphans, realizing that this segment of the community is in need of extra care. On this occasion, the company especially recognized the role these women play in contribution to national social and human developmental efforts. At the end of the celebration, Dina Al Asad from CTA’s Marketing Department distributed gifts and certificates of appreciation to the women working at the Orphan Welfare Association, thanking them wholeheartedly for their hard work and dedication. It is worth noting that CTA places women empowerment at the forefront of its priorities, launching initiatives geared towards empowering women on its team and women in the community at large.